Well yesterday, being October 1st was the kick-off for the Book-it program. We decided to have a Book-it party!!
I asked all the kids to pick out their favorite book, we wore book-it pins (thanks to ebay!), had balloons and jello!! What a party! :)
So with our favorite books I had each of the kids come up in turn and tell us the name of the book and then why it was their favorite book. I choose My Antonia, because it is a pioneer story and the author (Willa Cather) is so descriptive in her writing that I can see a perfect picture in my head. Riley chose the Color Kittens, because he liked learning about mixing colors to make other colors. Jake chose Dinosaurumpus because the T-rex is nice in the story (he always gets such a bad wrap)! And Fern chose The Gingerbread Man (illustrated by Richard Scarry) because she likes the fox who eats the gingerbread man! :)
We then made our own books, they were interesting, but Riley is not finished yet!
As a fun surprise I bought the #2 in the Magic Tree House series and we read 1 chapter before our cherry jello with cherries in it! :)
We also got our tracking sheets all ready and hung up!
They thought we did not have school time today just a party, little do they know just how much we did! :)
1 comment:
Gotta love when lots of learning is cleverly disguised as a party! (Shhh...)
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