Yes I was in elementary school during the 80's, and I LOVED BOOK-IT! It is probably one of the very few good memories I have from school during that time. Mostly because I read so many books that I could regularly take my whole family out to the local Pizza Hut and feed everyone! :)
So when I snooped around the BOOK-IT site and found out that they include homeschoolers in the program I jumped! So I signed us up, Riley is the only one eligible this year, and today I got our information in the mail! I got a pamphlet with all the information and also a "Reader Roster", and then the "Reading Award Certificates"! I was a bit sad that there is no longer a "button" to wear, and am now racking my brain to figure out a way to get one, or make one. But what a great program and I am so excited to get to get Riley excited about reading! And it can grow with his ability's! You can set goals by how many pages, books or minutes a week!
Also fun they have free printables; logs, calendars, certificates, and what I think is really neat different ways for a child to "narrate" on paper! This sheet is what I think we will use this year, he can dray pictures and write a little!
There is also a program for Preschool kids that runs for 6 weeks in the Spring!
So what are you reading! :)
I used to love Weekly Readers. I still have mine somewhere from second grade. You should check and see if they do a homeschooling program with them.
Shut up! I was obsessed with Book It! Ah, the memories ...
I know I was all about book-it and I wore my button with pride!! I just found a lot of 6 buttons on ebay! YEA!!
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