I have recently gotten a little bit creative with Riley and his school work. Don't get me wrong, I want to challenge him but I don't want to suffocate him. So I change things to pique his interest and draw him in. For example...
Instead of making a list of thins that come from trees, I gave him my camera and asked him to take pictures of things that come from trees. He then drew a picture of it in his main lesson book.
And here is a fun project, after reading a story about a family moving west to homestead we got out Grandpa's Lincoln Logs and made a homestead of our own! Too bad all our little animal figures are in a box somewhere that would have been fun!!
Really I have taken to heart the TJed phrase of "love of learning not hate of learning", Riley knows how to write, he is pretty good at it but he just does not enjoy it. If I force it what will I accomplish? Not much more than squashing his enjoyment of learning and damage our relationship. He will write, he will learn to push himself. But he needs to first learn it is worth it!
Yay!!! I'm so happy to spy on your homeschooling!!!! And I'm happy to see the old Naugauck library pic is still in your blog (they've finally raised all the $$$ to restore it :) Also, someone bought the old Post Office across from the Y and the renovation is great!). Yes, Nature is a great teacher. Love, Lisa
We listened to all the Little House on the Prairie stories on CD and I never thought to make a homestead out of our Lincoln Logs! Once ours are out of storage I'll have to suggest this activity to Christopher. Thanks for sharing!
Those look like fun Lincoln Logs. Hunter struggles with writing too. I think some if it is the age. To busy to want to sit and write. Ryder is obsessed with trees. We had a wind storm a few weeks ago and since then he has been all about trees. He is even can name different kinds. He likes birch trees.
Thanks gals for coming over here and commenting! I miss you three TONS!!!!
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