Two weeks under our belts, only thirty four or so more to go! Whew!!

Sorry I have tried 3 times to get this photo the right way to no avail, so twist your head to the side!
Here is just a little peek at the books we've been enjoying!
And finally our year on paper...

We have some really great books to help us with all this fun learning, some we own already, a couple we bought, and of course what is a homeschooler without a library card!!!

Riley is still a little bit tough to get him to read. He does well when he reads, he just does not enjoy it much yet! So right now he is working on The
Boxcar Children re-done into a "graphic novel" (look it up if you have not seen one there crazy)!

Jacob is doing so well on his "word families" aka: beginning reading! And he is working so diligently on his writing that it is greatly improving!!

Sweet Fern, well many of the stories used for introducing the alphabet are the Beatrix Potter stories, Fern loves them and I love them!! Oak meadow has provided a Kindergarten story book with them all in it, but our library has those
cute (and expensive) mini Potter book set. And it is just too fun to hold a cute little book, so we checked a few out!
You should be able to click on these and enlarge them to see them a bit more clearly... I am always happy to share let me know if you want any more info!!
Happy Weekend!!