Saturday, September 06, 2014

Good Beginnings!

We started up our school year and what a couple weeks we've had!
We officially started school and I tried to get a picture with the kids all showing what grade they were in (I tried to get Leili to sign "K" but really it just looked like she was flashing gang signs...)!
Leili was up at the crack of dawn asking if she was a kindergartner yet, she got all of her school work done before any of the older kids were out of bed! Just she and mama.
The first week we of course started with the letter A, I can remember doing this with the other kids. It is sad that this is my last kindergartener.
We also made a morning candle for while we say our verses and do some finger plays. Leili really enjoyed this!
Leili and I also made bees for our nature table. We have so many bees this year!
And then we started homeschool co-op.This session we are taking all 3 hours, this is a big change for us and quite a commitment!!!
I am hoping this good start is a good omen for the year!!

1 comment:

  1. You do not have an eighth grader! Shut up! I'm glad you have lots of bees. That whole worry about losing the bees. Love you!
