Thursday, March 15, 2012

Oh the good times are rolling along! We have had a good rhythm going all winter after a rocky start last fall. One of the things helping that is we (the kids and I) have not traveled or had many other distractments.

Fern has been all excited about math since I introduced her to horizontal problems! She asks to do math EVERY day!

Jake has been my reading machine! And being an awesome big brother has been reading to Leili often! She just loves that! This book was a big hit here last library run Llama llama mad at mama.

Science is always popular around here, impromptu experiments are often going on in various parts of the house!

Here is our biggest science experiment recently... Riley got a rat... for a pet! Yes I am crazy, but so far everyone is enjoying Cookie (Cookies & Cream)!

I also have a few links to share!

:: The new Oak Meadow Journal Live Oak is out!

:: This genius of a homeschooling mama collaborated to make these great Living Learning Lists, seriously if I could homeschool like this for everyone through every stage I would!!

:: Recently the local elementary down the road had their science fair, I am thinking we need to have a homeschooler science fair... now just to find some willing participants!

:: And last but not least, I am not a big fan of computer games for learning but I do like Starfall and these Cool Math Games for kids and Cool Math Games for Little Kids looks like we need to explore a bit!!


  1. Aww, that's so neat that Jake reads to Leili. Homeschooling is so different now that it's more mainstream and we have the internet. Science experiments are a lot of fun!

  2. How did I miss this post??? Wow Fern, division?!?! I'm super impressed! If you're not a fan of too much computer (me neither) than get a load of this: Naugatuck is switching from Text books to eletronic tablets!!!! UGH. ANOTHER check on the left side of the list....

  3. is a good supplement to help memorize those math facts. It has taken us awhile to get those down.

  4. Thanks for linking to my blog, and calling me a genius! I had to show my husband. ;-) I hope you enjoy the lists.
