Saturday, May 09, 2009

BOOKS GLORIOUS BOOKS! (sing to the tune of food glorious food from Oliver!)
Today was the big library sale in the neighboring town, and I got some good finds! Unfortunately only 2 on my school "needs" list, but still lots of fun! :) I got 38 books and one VHS for $39.50. Not bad.
A couple great finds where for Dan, his stack is up at the top starting with Jonathon Livingston Seagull, under that are three black covered boos, they are all old German book, one a dictionary from 1958, and a grammar book (he loves German grammar), and then an old text book. He was stoked and I got a few big kisses for those!
I got all but two out of the Little House series, a few classics for me, some fun books to try to tantalize Riley with (Super Fudge, Ramona the Brave, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory), and a few to put away for later!
All and all I'd call it a success! :)

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