Thursday, March 06, 2008

P.E. at Home!!

So sorry this is sideways, I always seem to forget about that! :)

I can remember my Grandma M. Making these for my sister and I, I always loved them! So I thought I'd give it a try, so Grandpa M. mailed us a box of empty coffee cans and we had some fun. My rope was a bit too thin, but it worked. Riley has continued to practise "Like Leo the Lightning bug" and has gotten really good at it!

But here is Jake and Riley on their first attempts!


  1. So much fun! I absolutely loved those as a kid! My only complaint is that they are a bit painful to use when barefoot.

  2. Yea we generally do not wear shoes in the house so the boys had to go find some for this activity! But Riley has found they work well with his slippers! :)

  3. Yea we generally do not wear shoes in the house so the boys had to go find some for this activity! But Riley has found they work well with his slippers! :)
