Saturday, August 18, 2007

As summer is winding down and starting school is fast aproching Lindafay at Higher Up and Further in started a What we did last summer topic. So here we go!
Our summer has been full of fun and family, wild animals and far off places, our backyard and exciting adventures!
We read all summer, all together! We visited Minnesota & NIHM, California & Narnia, and of course Connecticut & Ellwood City all from our own cozy home!
We visited the planetarium at the children's museum, the lighthouse at the beach, and the farmer's market on the green!
It has been a full fun summer, we have enjoyed learning on the fly and now are all looking forward to the new school year that will bring us lots of new adventures!
So what did you do this summer?

The first zuccini, followed by MANY more!

Dad with the crew at the San Diego Wild Animal Park!


  1. I enjoyed viewing your family pics. Looked like so much fun! Thanks for playing along.


  2. Thanks for stoping buy, it was fun to look back and remember!

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun! :)I had to chuckle about the zucchinis, lol. We planted our first cucumber plants from seed this summer. Anyone have any good cucumber recipes? :) Enjoyed your blog tonight.

  4. Yea we have had zuccini everything, but with our busy summer I just never made enough time to make zuccini relish to can. Oh well next year perhaps! Thanks for stoping by!

  5. Danna, thanks for visiting The Educational Life :) I wanted to clarify - we are beginning Year One this fall :) My curriculum post are my plans for the 2007-08 school year. So, we'll be going through much of the same material. we start Sept. 24th :) Blessings,

  6. Oh, then it will be wonderful to see how your year goes right along as we dive in! :) Hopefully we all survive! :)

  7. Hi :) Have you ever seen the traveling group post called The Carnival of Homeschooling? I've been thinking that it would be great to have a Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival! Is that something you might be interested in? If you are unfamiliar with the way carnivals work, it's fairly straightforward. Different CM bloggers "contribute" links to one of the posts they have put on their personal blogs. Usually, there is a broad, preset theme requested for the contributions. For instance, if I was hosting the first carnival and I made the theme "back to school CM style", all of the post submissions would have something to do with that topic area. Then, after a week of accepting submission, the "hostess" would post one long entry on her personal blog, writing an article of sorts while working in the links for all of the contributions that participating bloggers have made that week. Then, there is that one post where everyone can go to read through many different blog entries all about one CM topic. It's a great way to share and learn - not to mention get some increased traffic to your site. Host blogs, in particular, get the spotlight. Would you please let me know if you would be interested in submitting a blog entry for a carnival like this? Would you be interested in hosting a carnival one week? I'll leave a sticky post up on my blog's main page for replies :) Thanks!

    Jacci (CM mama of 4)
