Monday, July 09, 2007

Well we have been busy having summer! We have been outdoors alot, we have been to the Children's Museum in Hartford a couple times, and we have just been enjoying Dan as his airplane is still broken! :)
I have ordered or bought most of my books for the fall, I have not started on "supplies" yet, I tried last week and of course they only had one and I needed more, so they said to come back this week. So I am now stalking the mailman daily hoping for more books!! I received two of our books today, Aesop's Fables and a little book of a couple fairy tales, but I think it may be the wrong book. :( I will have to see.
Last week Lindafay at Higher Up and Further In had a great post about their nature study. I was struck with an "ahha" when I read it, and will now be studying a topic, instead of all crazy here and there. Plus the book she mentioned "Pets in a Jar" looked so good that I ordered it too!! :) And then today she had a great post about "lesson plans", I have always enjoyed a certain amount of planning, but recently met another HSing mama and she is mostly only HSing her oldest, as the others are little, and she made comments that all she does outside of teaching is learning/reading/planning for the teaching. I was blown away and kind of felt bad for her, and that I should share with her that she does not have to do it like that. You know that feeling like when you think you should share the Gospel with someone, but your nervous. I didn't share, but maybe I will, I wish I could just email her the post, but that might seem rude don't you think?
With Dan being home since the end of May and maybe home for another 3-4 weeks, we have been flying by the seat of our pants, gone is the comforting rhythm that we naturally fall into when he is away. And I have been thinking about that alot, and feeling the need to let our rhythm overtake the craziness. We just need to indoctrinate Dan and get him to follow a little more. Maybe I would be less of a slacker, and actually get something done! :) So I am hoping to have the strength and will to do this, pray for me!! :)


  1. I would like to see her lesson plans. Does she teach social studies?

  2. Hi Teresa, Well Lindafay at Higher Up and Further In breaks down her "social studys" by subject. If you scroll down her blog on the right hand side there are a few diffrent options, first there is by subject, and then further down she has her curriculum year by year. We are doing year one this fall with our 6 1/2 yr. old. I hope this helps, let me know if I can help further! :)
